This blog will talk about my 'Pets', or pets in general, how to take care of them, and everything about pets. The 'Else' part will talk about anything else other than pets.

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Just got a puppy

Just got a puppy. She is very cute and very lively. We named her Sasha which is short for Alexandra. This may mean also as "defender of man". I hope she could be our friend and defender.

She is a mix of akita and japanese spitz. She looks like hachiko. Oh, I love akitas especially hachiko (from the moview hachicko a dog' story).

I am still a newbie especially in caring for dogs. I don't know what stuff to feed her, what vaccines to give her, etc.... Hey, everyday is a learning experience with her. And I am looking forward for more days, weeks, months, years with her.

'Till here for now.

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