I had my first dog named Diamond. He was a cute happy maltese dog. He would bark around and keep on running inside our house.
But, suddenly, he lost his appetite and began pooping with blood. And the fact that his poop has that "stink" smell.
That's when I realized he may have gotten the parvovirus, and to my dismay, I have not yet vaccinated my Diamond.(sob!sob!sob!)
What is parvovirus?
"Parvo" as is the most commonly used term for parvovirus. It is a highly contagious disease characterized by diarrhea that is often bloody.
Current vaccinations have helped to control the spread of this disease but despite being vaccinated, some dogs still contract and die from parvo. There is much that we do not know about the virus or the best way to control the disease, but we are learning new information daily.
Misinformation about the disease, its spread, and vaccination is widespread. We hope that with a better understanding of the disease, pet owners will be able to make good health decisions for their dogs that will help prevent and reduce the spread of this disease.
How is it spread?
It is spread through contact with feces containing the virus. The virus can survive on inanimate objects and on insects and rodents.
So clean the surroundings properly including his cage or kennel area by using bleach. Bleach is known to kill parvovirus.
The normal incubation period (time from exposure to the virus to the time when signs of disease appear) is from 7-14 days. Virus can be found in the feces several days before clinical signs of disease appear, and may last for one to two weeks after the onset of the disease.
Early vaccination
Always have your dog vaccinated. Go to the nearest vet to have yiour dog vaccinated with parvovirus vaccine. There are also 5-in-1 vaccine which contains parvovirus, coronavirus, and the likes.
If you love your dog have it vaccinated. You may never known when the parvovirus will get your animal friend.
What is Parvovirus?
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